2 thoughts on “Home

  1. Reading your blogs, I suggest you both get a job teachimg history at a university. Academic historians deal only with dead people and thus their mission is to bore students to death. You do bring dead people back to live, even at the risk of those Friesians of old making new troubles. Thanks for letting me have a laugh while reading your blogs about the distant past. Incidentaly, Ostfriesland has a fascinating history of churches and their organs, an indication of their wealth and one of the many reasons people persisted on living in teh precarious environment. Have not have so much fun in decades reading your blogs.

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  2. Read “The Oera Linda”. Yes some Freyans returned from The Punjab as “Frisians”. But the big story is that they originally came from The North Atlantic and were just returning to their ancient homeland. Read this article that shows archeological evidence of six-spoke sun wheels from the Bronze Age. This is Freya’s six-spoke Yule Wheel, or
    what the Indians called The Wheel of Vishnu: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=88321


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